In this show created in 2011, DYPTIK explores the timeless theme of uprooting, in a style combining artistic research and technical feat.
“Based on recollections, emotions and immigrants’ memory, the testimonies collected are the substance of this piece”.
In order to go beyond his own vision of uprooting, choreographer Souhail Marchiche, along with performers from his show, went to meet with the unknowns: immigrants, tourists, illegal aliens… They all told their story.
These men and women, in a quest for meaning, got caught up in the game of the choreographer’s own quest. They confided in him, sharing their fears, their questions, their hope and their illusions.
The dance invented itself as they testified, drawing its energy from the strength of their words and offering all their emotions to the audience.
“Relying on the plurality of the stories, these intimate and personal quests have become universal. Their story is our story. En Quête does not reveal truth, nor does it bring a solution. It arouses a reflection that I wish to share with the spectator.
The show conveys emotion through body energy. I made sure that the dancers got involved in the writing. They are all a part of the quest, they live the encounter, they absorb the stories, so they can express, as tightly as possible, the power of these life stories.
The dance conveys symbols and works with space, isolation, imbalance…
The richness of this theme pushed me to meet with other choreographers so I could be inspired by their experience, their world and benefit from external points of views.
Thereby, my role as a choreographer was, more than ever, to synthetize everyone’s ideas and feelings so that each and all can relate to the show.”
Souhail Marchiche, choreographer
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Artistic directionSouhail Marchiche and Mehdi Meghari
Souhail Marchiche
Toufik Maadi, Souhail Marchiche, Mehdi Meghari
Music composer
Julien Cordenod
Light designer
Richard Gratas
Costume designer
Angelina Herrero
Set designer
Joanne Milanese
Compagnie Dyptik, Opéra-Théâtre de Saint-Etienne, Ville du Chambon-Feugerolles
DRAC Auvergne – Rhône-Alpes, Conseil Général de la Loire, Ville de Saint-Étienne.Brochure to download